Your hosts: Denise Cowle and Louise Harnby
How are opportunity costs affecting your editing business?
Louise Harnby and Denise Cowle chat about opportunity cost, and why editors and proofreaders need to keep an eye on this part of their business.
What should I include in my editor services agreement?
Louise Harnby and Denise Cowle chat about what editors and proofreaders might include in a services agreement. Listen to find out more about Parties involved
Does my editing business need a newsletter?
Louise Harnby and Denise Cowle talk about newsletters and whether your editing or proofreading business needs one. Listen to find out more about: Beating the
10 brand design tips for editors and proofreaders
Louise Harnby and Denise Cowle discuss ten brand-design tips that every editor and proofreader can consider in their business. Listen to find out more about:
7 ways for editors to get paid faster
Louise Harnby and Denise Cowle talk about 7 different ways to speed up the payment process when you’re invoicing for editing and proofreading work. invoicing
The pros and cons of niche editing and proofreading
Find out about the pros and cons of being a niche editor or proofreader, and whether it’s right for you. Listen to find out more
The Editor's Note
Exclusive, actionable advice on writing and editing non-fiction.