Worry-free Writing: how to use a semicolon
How do I use a semicolon? Lots of people are not sure of how to use a semicolon and are bit scared of it, so
How do I use a semicolon? Lots of people are not sure of how to use a semicolon and are bit scared of it, so
Plans We all love a plan. But there’s no point in having a plan if you don’t execute it. Hitting the big 5 with my
This week I celebrated five years as a freelance proofreader and editor. Happy anniversary to me! A lot has happened in five years, and it’s
What is an ellipsis? We’ve all seen them – and used them – those little dots that create suspense, or trail off dialogue. But have you ever stopped to
What’s that apostrophe for? This is one of the most common word choice dilemmas that people admit to – many struggle with that apostrophe. Exactly
My past few posts have gone into quite a lot of detail about the pros and cons of sitting and standing while at work, and
In my last post, ‘Sitting is the new smoking‘, we established that movement should be an essential part of your daily work routine, and that
“Sitting is more dangerous than smoking, kills more people than HIV and is more treacherous than parachuting. We are sitting ourselves to death.” This bold
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